
实验室技术专员Lab Technical Specialist (Jining, China)





工作职责Duties & Responsibilities • 执行实验室日常工作;正确处理样本,工作细致,注重细节;能准确操作设备以获得正确的分析结果 To perform lab activities; Ensures the sample material is correctly handled; Operates equipment correctly to obtain the correct analysis; Works meticulously and pays attention to detail • 正确维护/操作/校准实验室仪器,并确保实验数据的高质量 Maintaining and operating lab equipments, and ensuring that all equipments are well calibrated to generate good data quality • 负责设备间的交叉认证及室间交叉认证 Responsible for inter-equipment cross-qualifications and participate in inter-site cross-qualifications • 按照监管要求保存研究相关文件 Maintain study-related documentation as per regulatory requirements • 具备仪器建立、质控方法以及仪器维护方面的专业知识 The candidate must demonstrate expertise in related instrument set up, QC methods, as well as instrument maintenance knowledge • 确保工作环境始终清洁有序 Ensures the working environment is always clean and organized • 与设备供应商保持良好沟通,确保设备定期维护保养 Communicate with service providers for equipment repairs and schedule regular equipment maintenance • 能够接受在BSL2环境中履行职责或监督活动 Must accept to perform duties and/or supervise activities in BSL2 laboratory environment • 遵从公司的健康安全规定及指导 Employee is personally responsible for following Caprion/HistoGeneX Health and Safety Guidelines/ instructions • 良好的中英文沟通能力;良好的协作和团队精神 Good communication skills in Chinese and English; highly collaborative, and team-oriented 学历Education 医学、药学、生命科学或相关学科硕士以上学位;或本科学历具有病理、流式,基因组学、蛋白组学及其他相关实验室经验技能者 Master’s degree in Medical, Pharmaceutical, Life Sciences or a related discipline or bachelor degree with experience in pathology, flow cytometry, genomics, proteomics and related skills


我们的实验室:CAP质量管理体系,实验室信息管理系统 (LIMS),国际领先的实验设备,强大的专家团队,全面完善的培训制度,多元开放的职业发展方向。良好舒适的办公环境,友善可爱的直线老板。公司致力于更好地帮助患者尤其是肿瘤患者改善健康,帮助提高全球的卫生保健水平;为制药、生物技术等公司提供专业的医药及医疗器械的研究开发服务 我们的客户群:全球各大制药公司及生物技术、医疗器械、体外诊断试剂公司等